Our service offers a 24-hour support to individuals with a learning disability, in their own home, using a person-centred approach. The aim is to promote a safe and homely environment that promotes empowerment, independence, choice and control, and to support people to lead fulfilling lives. Participants will be supported to identify what is important to them, the goals they would like to achieve, interests they may like to pursue and develop, and to highlight personal preferences e.g. sleeping patterns, male or female support workers, etc.
In brief, an initial assessment will be completed to ensure that we, as a service, can meet the needs of the individual, and a support plan will be devised to ensure all needs are identified and the support required is tailored to meet these in a person-centred manner, with the consent and full involvement of each individual. Support plans will be outcome focussed and will be reviewed at least on a monthly basis to ensure they remain current and correctly identify the needs and wishes of that person at the time.
It is imperative that we support individuals to build friendships and relationships to prevent social isolation. In addition, we positively support existing relationships of service users with their families, friends, partners and neighbours.
Participants individuality must be understood and respected, as must their right to belong to their community and enjoy a normal, daily social interaction on the same basis as every other member of the public. We ensure staff are aware of the emotional and physical changes caused through illness and disability and the effect on a person’s identity and dignity that this may have.